ETH Acirc rdquo ETH frac34 ETH frac14 ETH deg Ntilde Acirc circ ETH frac12 ETH micro ETH micro ETH amp s
ETH ETH frac34 ETH sup2 ETH deg Ntilde ETH scaron ETH deg ETH frac14 ETH deg Ntilde Ntilde fnof Ntilde sbquo Ntilde euro ETH deg ETH iquest Ntilde euro ETH cedil ETH ordm ETH frac34 Ntilde ETH frac12 ETH frac34 ETH sup2 ETH micro ETH frac12 ETH cedil Ntilde ETH cedil ETH cedil ETH frac12 Ntilde sbquo ETH cedil ETH frac14 ETH frac12 Ntilde lsaquo ETH micro ETH iquest ETH frac34 Ntilde dagger ETH micro ETH raquo Ntilde fnof ETH cedil 2006
atilde euro ccedil bdquo iexcl atilde euro lsquo aring euro lsaquo auml ordm ordm aelig rsquo reg aring frac12 plusmn atilde euro euro atilde sbquo micro atilde sbquo curren atilde fnof circ atilde sect ccedil Yuml yen atilde sbquo Scaron aring circ atilde pound atilde Yuml 19 aelig shy sup3 atilde fnof atilde fnof frac14 atilde fnof bull atilde ordf aring uml tilde atilde uml atilde fnof atilde fnof iexcl aelig rsquo reg atilde sbquo Scaron iuml frac14 Free Vid
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